No boring lectures or sitting all day here. On the contrary, for us, learning equals fun. We’ve engaged and empowered student leaders since 1982. We can help you start one of our student-led groups at your school or just build your leadership skills. Check out our upcoming events, schedule one of our popular trainings, or contact us to create one for your needs. We offer annual events for students of all ages, conferences, seminars, and fundraisers. Follow us on social media for news and inspiration, and subscribe to our mailing list.

Developing a Student-Led Assembly for Your School
We train students to develop and lead fun, interactive assemblies with a prevention-based message. First, you begin with a needs assessment to identify a critical issue in your school. Then, you will build your knowledge and understanding of that issue. Along the way, you develop the leadership and communication skills necessary to deliver an effective, peer-led message that changes thoughts and challenges behavior. Check out Attitude of the Mind: Solutions for Ending Stigma, part of an assembly created by our Student Advisory Board.
This student-led, prevention- based, leadership contest began during the 2020-2021 school year. Students conducted a needs assessment of their school and community and developed a plan to impact the needs and change behavior. Health and safety issues addressed included peer influence, substance use in the family, safe driving, combatting addiction, healthy relationships and encouraging self-care. The contest will run again in the fall of 2021. More details can be found on the #SLSTOGETHERWECAN page. This program is supported by the generosity of one of our sponsors, Citizens Insurance.

Safe Driving
Getting your driver’s license brings a great sense of freedom, but freedom isn’t free. With great power comes great responsibility. Our interactive safe driving workshops will help to keep you and your friends safe on the road. You’ll get to use our driving simulator and we’ll discuss how to be a good passenger. Then we’ll focus on the distractions inside and outside of the car, as well as the dangers of impaired driving. At the end, you’ll leave with knowledge and skills that will save lives! Safe driving workshops are brought to you by our generous sponsor, AAA.
Health, Safety & Skill Development
We create personalized, skill-based, interactive trainings on critical topics for teens. These include: 1.) Health & safety-related topics such as safe driving, alcohol, tobacco, drug education, suicide, how to help a hurting friend, and diversity and inclusion. 2.) Executive function-related topics such as leadership, organization & time management, managing emotions and making good decisions. Length of training depends on learning goals.

Peer Refusal Skills
In this 2-session, student-favorite training, high school students are trained to teach peer refusal skills to middle school students. In Session 1, students learn the peer refusal concepts and skills, and get acquainted with the lesson they will be teaching. Session 2, held a few days to a week later, is when students practice and receive feedback from the trainer and their peers. Attendance at both training days is required.
Peer Resistance Skills
Also a student-favorite, in this interactive, high school students are trained to teach resistance skills to 5th grade students. The training format is similar to Peer Refusal Skills. During Session 1, students learn the concepts and skills. Then, in Session 2, students practice the lesson they will teach to the students and receive feedback from the trainer and their peers. The focus is on peer pressure and refusal techniques for saying no to alcohol and other peer pressures such as vaping. High School students find great satisfaction in helping educate your students while having fun doing so. Attendance at both training days is required. (11 hours total).

3-day Leadership Institute
This training is ideal for student groups such as Student Council, National Honor Society, or Community Coalition Youth Action Boards. Many of our student-led chapters schedule this training at their school. In the summer, we open the Institute up to all students, ages 13 and up. Participants engage in interactive activities to learn about their leadership style and strengths, develop communication skills, and practice teamwork. Students build public relations and marketing skills, explore service-based learning principles and asset exchange with community groups.
Workplace Readiness
So you are old enough to get a job and are excited to earn some money of your own, but where should you start? In this interactive workplace readiness workshop, you will learn about work ethic, why it is important, and how to be a good employee. Then, you’ll identify the skills you have that will make you an asset to an employer and learn some interview skills to get the job you want. Finally, we’ll help you show a prospective employer how awesome you are!

Spokesperson Training
This is a one-day training for the leaders of leaders. In the past this training was only available to the SLS Student Advisory Board. Now this training is available for all student leaders. Participants will learn how to speak effectively and efficiently about their student group in a variety of settings. Examples include the media, school board, faculty, community groups, and friends. Participants will strengthen their leadership skills and learn the value of communicating the significance of their group to others.
Botvin Life Skills
Botvin Life Skills is an evidence-based curricula that targets the fundamental reasons why students engage in behaviors that put them at risk. It promotes healthy alternatives to risky behavior, helps students resist social pressure, develop greater self-esteem, cope with anxiety, increase knowledge of the dangers of substance use, and enhance decision-making skills. Programs are available for elementary, middle, and high school students and consists of 8-18 sessions depending on grade level.

Peer Mentoring
In this 1-day training we empower students, ages 13 and up, to help each other. Students discuss the importance of leadership and communication and the role it has on mentorship. Participants identify their own leadership qualities and practice how to leverage them to help establish relationships and mentor others. Participants will learn the history of mentoring and the ten important features of being a quality mentor to others. This is an excellent workshop for middle and high school students who mentor incoming 6th and 9th graders.
Peer Mediation
This interactive workshop series is for schools who wish to develop a conflict resolution program using peer mediators. Peer mediation is where students of the same age-group facilitate resolving disputes between two people or small groups. Mediators are taught communication skills and a range of processes including negotiation, mediation and diplomacy, aimed at alleviating or eliminating sources of conflict. This process has proven effective in schools around the United States, changing the way students understand and resolve conflict in their lives. Changes include improved self-esteem, listening and critical thinking skills, school climate, and reduced disciplinary actions. Training consists of 8, 1-hour sessions.